Monday, December 31, 2012

Out with the old, in with the New Year.

2012 has been an incredible year for me. I welcomed the year with being pregnant until Gracie May made her big debut on June 3rd and ever since then, time has just been flying at warp speed. She will be seven months old in three days and she always continues to amaze and awe me. Her big smile has melted my heart since the first time she flashed one at me and I still melt when she does. I always joke that when she smiles like that, she'll be able to get whatever she wants. Seriously.

While I was driving home earlier, I was thinking how much I have changed in just a year. I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be in my life. We have been so blessed this year with many things, from both of our businesses thriving to a new home to raise Gracie in and simply being happy and healthy.

Resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. This is one of my resolutions for 2013.

Something else I am firmly deciding to do is to not apologize for how I am feeling about any particular situation. Over time, I have learned that I can't help how I feel and if you can't help something, why should you have to apologize? I'm also going to practice not comparing myself to others, whether it be in life or photography. I found a thing on Pinterest one time that said to compare yourself to the photographer you used to be and I like that idea and I think that it works on all aspects of life. And, I plan on supporting Josh 100% as he goes to college this semester and I will help him in every aspect that I can.

Now, here are some of my goals for 2013. If I meet them, yay. If not, no biggie.

Drink more water & try some new & healthy foods every now and then.
Book twice as many weddings as I did this year.
Make time to read more & write.
Not be on my phone so much.
Get rid of some of my old make room for new ones. lol.
Update the Holly Belle website with my latest work.
Keeping the house nice and organized.
On warm days, take Gracie for a walk in her stroller at the park.
As soon as Gracie starts walking, take her to the zoo.
Complete some Pinterest projects.
Learn to cook something other than boxed dinner.

My favorite songs that I fell in love with and played like a broken record in 2012:
The Black Keys: Lonely Boy
Cake: Long Time
Collective Soul: Shine
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: Home
Fun: We Are Young
Gloriana: Kissed You (Good Night)
Joshua Radin: Friend Like You
The Lumineers: Hey Ho
Of Monsters & Men: Little Talks
Miiike Snow: Animal
Mumford & Sons: I Will Wait, Ghosts That We Knew
Nicki Minaj: Starships
Rocky Votolato: White Daisy Passing
The Shins: Simple Song
Young the Giant: Cough Syrup

Favorite movies of 2012:
The Dark Knight Rises
The Vow
This Means War
Take Me Home
The Hunger Games
What To Expect When You're Expecting
The Avengers
Pitch Perfect
21 Jump Street
Snow White and the Huntsman

And some of my favorite photos from 2012. :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thinking of winter...

Here in the last few days with the cold weather moving in and the scent of the heater kicking on the evening, I have been reminded of past winters and Christmases with our families. Sometimes there is a sadness in remembering the winters that have passed because I always think of Megan. I often wonder if it will always be like that when the warm fades to cold. In the same instance of being sad, though, I can find happy memories in the cold, too. Like how this Halloween will be my eight year anniversary with Josh. I remember clear as day our first date that night and exactly how I felt when he looked at me because I still get that same electric feeling. I was in love with him before I even realized it. Eight years have passed so quickly and so much has happened since that first date, so many other firsts, the best of them all, our beautiful Gracie. Fall weather also reminds me of when I got pregnant with Gracie and I'm sure when summer comes around, it will remind me of when she was born.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Adventures in Gracieland


She is our little morning baby.

Even in just a couple of weeks, Gracie went and changed on us again. She is officially the queen of rolling. At first, she could only roll from her back to her stomach and then she was stuck. Now, she can roll from her stomach to her back, but she can only roll in one direction since one of her arms is stronger than the other. It's quite comical. One minute, she's in the middle of the blanket and we look up briefly and then look back down to find her in between my chair and the recliner.

She thinks Daddy is the most hilarious and the most interesting. I love watching her watch him as he gets excited during a football game or when he plays games with her. Her favorite game right now is when he scares her; you would think she would cry, but she just laughs and laughs and she even giggles in anticipation of being scared.

I have really missed Gracie this weekend. Weekends are her time with Daddy because that's when I book the majority of my photo sessions. They just sit together in his chair and he plays video games, watches movies or just plays with her for a long time. He'll even get on the floor with her and play with her and roll and slide her around everywhere. She is definitely his little buddy. He thinks that she will love watching football with him because she'll be excited to see Daddy so worked up over the game. I completely envision them yelling at the TV together. 

I miss living in an actual house, especially the one on Pennsylvania because in that house was where we had our sweet talk about wanting to start trying to have a baby. That's where all of my visions of our children grew. I imagined a child running around the fenced in backyard, playing with bubbles and Bruno. I saw a blond child sitting on the steps of the porch in front of the house, reading a book or watching the cars go by or the sun flicker away. Don't get me wrong, we are incredibly blessed to be in this apartment and to have found it so quickly after the tornado. It's just never where I envisioned raising a child. But, at the same time, it is our home. I have "my" chair and Josh has "his" seat. I created Gracie's room in this apartment and she'll be able to look back on the photographs of her very first bedroom that was Alice in Wonderland themed. We spend all of our mornings cuddling and playing with Gracie in our king sized bed as the light tries to peek through our only bedroom window that we've shielded with a thick blanket. This apartment is where I was in labor for three days, standing in the dining room swaying through the pain or curling over the couch to try to find some relief and try to sleep for just a few minutes. We brought Gracie home to this apartment, scared and worried about our first night home. 

While we have all of these beautiful memories at the apartment, I can't wait to buy a house and make it our own. I want Gracie to have any kind of room she wants; maybe something with a little reading nook or a big chest with costumes and dresses so she can be a princess or anything she wants to be for the day. And I want a big back yard with a pool big enough for Gracie to love and enjoy and swim like a little fish. I also want to be those people that leave Christmas lights up all year. Josh seems to be under the impression that he would never put up Christmas lights on the house, but maybe it'll sound better if Gracie asks him with those eyes so that he can't say no. I also want lots of big windows to let all of the sunlight fill up the house.I know some of these things are not very luxurious; I just want some small simple things for Gracie to look back on when she's older and hopefully say what a fun childhood she had.

It amazes me how much I want for her. I find myself blowing through paychecks and being broke incredibly soon because I want Gracie to have everything. Everyone around me is the same way. Her Nana always brings her new clothes and stuffed animals. Her Grandma Gigi has a house full of toys, including a bouncy house, that she's not even big enough to use yet. If she is crying, Daddy will immediately pick her up, play with her or cuddle with her. He has said before that he knows she'll be able to get anything she wants and all it will take is her huge smile.

Every day has such new meaning to me these days. Gracie and I have what I call our girls days while Daddy is at work and we just hang out together. She watches cartoons long enough for me to eat a quick breakfast. We play and giggle and eat throughout the day. Most days, we do lunch with Grandma Gigi's work or somewhere in town. Sometimes we go shopping at thrift stores or the grocery stores. I love how she is when we are riding around in the car. One minute, she is alert and looking around and the next, she is passed out asleep. Sometimes she'll sleep through Wal Mart or whatever store I'm in and she just completely surprises me by that. As long as she has eaten something and doesn't have a dirty diaper, she loves to be out and about.

Monday, September 17, 2012


It's 6:30am. I heard Gracie rustling around and talking to herself around 5:30am. We did our usual routine; I said hiiiiiii to her in my soft silly voice, changed her diaper, laid her down with daddy while I prepared her early first breakfast, fed her and then put her back to sleep in her crib. She is developing such a personality in everything, even when she sleeps. Her new thing is to roll on her side immediately after we've put her on her back. For the past week, she has ended up on her stomach in the mornings. I think she might be a stomach sleeper like me. Although right now, she hates it because she doesn't have the arm strength to roll back over, so she gets a little Hulk angry when that happens.

After I put her back in her crib to go to sleep, I laid in bed and played on my phone for a bit, listening for Gracie to make sure she had fallen asleep. I know I shouldn't do this because then all the synapses start firing off in my brain and I can't stop thinking about EVERYTHING. It's like trying to wind down at the end of the night all over again and my brain goes off on all kinds of tangents. Some of those tangents include: what I want to make for breakfast in the morning, is the weather going to be cool enough for a cardigan today, is my truck going to be up and running, my face feels gross because I forgot to wash my makeup off before going to bed, backtracking throughout driving the last few days and trying to think if I saw any new & neat spots for photos, thinking it's been too long since I've had Hackett Hot Wings, wanting an iPhone, needing to get chalkboard paint and frames for Saturday, how ratty my hair feels from having it curled earlier, needing some new pillows and suspicious that Josh took one of my "good pillows," and then the one that got me out of bed this morning, "I haven't written anything in a long time. Why not write at 6:30am while everyone is asleep?"

I like to think my best thoughts usually come to me when I am going to bed late or in the wee hours of the morning around this time. I don't get to write weekly like I did when I was pregnant and I wish I could because I don't want to forget the pretty bitty baby years. I think that's why I take so many pictures because they can convey what I want to express without having to sit for thirty minutes or an hour to write out what going through this mind.

I have been awake to see the sunrise turn from blue to pink to red in the mornings after feeding Gracie, but I've only got to see it through slitted, blurry eyes. Now I am sitting her in "my" chair and watching the sunrise change through the closed blinds in the living room. I remember when I was working this time last year and driving to work into the sunrise. And now, here I sit a year later, enjoying it in the comfort of my own warm home. It's truly amazing how life can be so different in just a year, in nine months, in three and a half months, in three days.

Gracie is ever changing. Just when we think we have her figured out, she goes and changes, and again it takes us quite some time to try to "get" her. Each new stage makes me forget the last one. My favorite is all of the smiles and real reactions to people. I can vaguely remember what it was like when we would get a gassy, not so genuine smile. Now, she reacts with a smile and cooing to voices and faces, especially her daddy. When he gets off work, she is all smiles and he holds her and plays with her the rest of the night. I hear her talk with him more at night than I do the entire day.

Our tiny little 13ish, possibly 14ish pound creature has made us ever changing, too. I have exchanged a non-mom faux tan leather purse for a bulky green and brown diaper bag that has on occasion held clothes soaked in pee, diapers that can't be disposed of till a later moment, spit up covered blankies, teething tablets, tylenol, and hand sanitizer. Gone are the days of carrying anything I wanted in my monster purse, like my old iPod, a book to read if I am bored waiting somewhere, a journal for random thoughts, oodles and oodles of old Christmas/birthday cards, "important" mail or things I needed to keep/remember for later. A lot of these things would be forgotten about and rediscovered later. Now, everything in the diaper bag has a purpose and a need. When we prepare to go somewhere, even the store, it's like preparing for battle. Formula: check. Change of clothes for baby: check. Socks and pants in case it is cold at the house we go to: check. Sunscreen: check. Butt paste if bitty gets a stealthy diaper rash: check. At least TEN diapers: CHECK. That last one is a big one because one day, she went through five diapers in a matter of half an hour to forty five minutes. You learn (okay, I have learned) to get past poop with a quick glance and I move on with my life. Not my husband...poop and spit up still repulse him and get him gagging like a cat dealing with a hairball. Granted, yes, there are some not so great dirty diapers that are literally exploding out the sides, but that's the beauty of wipes: you can use as many as needed. At least Gracie is a lady about it and she crosses her legs when her "business" is happening.

Gracie is utterly beautiful and magnificent to me. Everything she does is fascinating. I cried yesterday morning when she put her hands around her bottle and held it herself. I got weepy about a week ago one morning when we found her sleeping on her stomach. She had rolled from her back to her stomach and we didn't get to see it because we were sleeping. Now, when we're awake and she's lying on one of us, she is always try to roll away. I look back at old pictures, I say old being three and a half months, and I am in awe at how much she has grown. Her skin isn't red and squishy anymore. Now she is porcelain with soft cheeks. Her hair has changed from almost jet black to strawberry curly blonde. And her So blue. She is so aware of everything around her and if we are someplace new, she is absolutely awake and looking around at all of her unfamiliar surroundings.

I heard Josh's alarm go off about twenty minutes ago. Mornings are Gracie's happiest time and my favorite time. If Josh is still here when she wakes up in the morning, I get Gracie out of the crib and bring her in our bed with us to play. She sits on my stomach and smiles while I nibble on her toes. When she hears daddy's deep voice, she shakes with excitement and puts her hands to her face, hiding her big toothless smile. He'll hold her to his chest or high up in the air and she just coos and laughs at him. Morning are what I live for and what I love. I dream of the time when she can get out of bed herself and crawl into bed with us. Right now when she does occasionally sleep with us, we have her in between us. I bet when she's older and comes to our bed in the mornings, she will go to her daddy's side.

Monday, August 20, 2012

{Almost three months old}

Eleven weeks ago, Gracie rocked our world and completely changed our lives for the better. I had no idea that I would love her so much or that she would love us so much. I can't help but laugh when she cries to be held by one of us and as soon as we pick her up, she gives a gummy grin. Josh loves playing with her and doing whatever he can to make her smile. And she just talks up a storm to him. I can't get over how much she's changed in three months and she has so much personality.

Some of the nicknames we have come up with for her are:
Bubbles (Josh calls her that because of her spit bubbles that she creates)
Gracie May May
Punky Doodle
Pretty Bitty

Her favorite sounds are white noise and train sounds that are on the white noise app. She loves looking at the wall by her changing table, where all the teapots and "book" shelves sit. Her eyes wander to the colors and when I turn on the machine in her room that creates images on the ceiling. These are things I want to remember years from now when she's running all over the place and I'm trying to keep up with her changes everyday.

I was re-reading past blogs that I wrote during my pregnancy. Gracie is more magical than we could have ever imagined. I know it's cheesy to say, but she is our reason for everything. I simply want to give her everything the world has to offer and I want to give her all of my love. I think she makes me a better person and helps me grow. Not only would I give up anything and anyone for her, but I have sacrificed things for her and will do so for the rest of my life. If I have to choose, Gracie will always win and that's the way it should be; I'm just glad I realized it before she got shortchanged. She will get every little bit of me and I want every little bit of her; especially those cute little toesies that I love to kiss! I know someday, though, she won't let me kiss those toesies or hug her all the time, so I better get all the snuggles in while I can.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Gracie's Birth Story

At 2:30am on Thursday, May 31st, I was hit with my first hard, real contraction. I knew it wasn't a Braxton Hicks contraction because it woke me up from my slumber. They started coming every 20 minutes and throughout the day, progressed to every ten minutes. Around 1am on Friday, they were five minutes apart, and like anyone that has read What to Expect When You're Expecting, we knew what was coming: the trip to the hospital. So, with the suitcase already in the trunk, we drove to Freeman Health System hospital to the birthing center. They rushed me back right away and hooked me up to everything. I was giddy with excitement, thinking that we were going to be meeting our baby girl soon. They checked me and said that I was dilated to 4 centimeters. They kept me for an hour to see if I would progress more and to my dismay, I did not. The nurse told me that it was not active labor and sent us home, saying to come back when the contractions were three to five minutes apart. I went the entire next day with contractions coming every five minutes and they came hard every single time. I couldn't stand, sit, lie or do anything comfortably. The only thing that seemed to help even the slightest was standing with both my hands on a chair for support and swaying my hips during each contraction. Friday evening rolled around and my contractions started coming three to five minutes apart, so we made our way to the hospital, like the nurses instructed. The nurse that came in that night was pregnant as well and when she checked me and said  I was ONLY a four, I was flustered and just wanted to cry. She also kindly informed me, "Uh, your contractions are only going to get worse." Gee, thanks, like I didn't know that. *dirty stare paired up with the stink eye* Once again, we went home disappointed and anxious, wondering when we were supposed to go the hospital the next time and I worried I would be having a baby in our apartment.

I hadn't slept since Wednesday, so I finally took some Tylenol PM and got about three hours of surprisingly decent sleep. I woke up and my contractions calmed down enough to where I was able to eat and drink something and somewhat relax. But, it seemed as soon as I was completely relaxed, the contractions came full force again around five pm ish. I started writing down how far apart they were, starting from seven minutes, to five, to three...Josh left for the store at 6:30pm and was gone no more than twenty minutes and my contractions started coming one to two minutes apart. I was in complete panic when that happened. So, when he finally returned, I told him they were one minute apart and we booked it back up to the hospital. Josh became skeptical on the drive over because my contractions became sporadic as soon as we got in the car. He wouldn't say it out loud that he thought it was false again because he probably knew I would punch him in the face if he did. We did the routine check in that we had been used to the last three days and I think we were both expecting that I would still be dilated to 4cm when they checked me. The nurse came in at 7:30pm, checked me and declared that I was dilated SEVEN CENTIMETERS! I was so excited and asked the nurse if it would be alright if I cried from being so happy and she said yes! I looked over at Josh and he seemed a little bit shocked. When I told him to start making the phone calls to everyone, he said, "Are you sure?" I responded, "YES! This is the real thing! We are having a baby tonight!" I could tell from his demeanor that he was a mixture of emotions: shocked, scared, excited, unsure. And then the next thing I said to him, in a very demanding tone, "Oh! And go get my camera out of the car!"

My midwife, Susan Myers, came in and asked how I was feeling, complimenting how well I was doing breathing through my contractions. She asked, "So, you wanna just continue to breathe through them?" and I quickly responded, "NOPE! I want the epidural, please!" They moved me to the room where I would be birthing Gracie and started hooking me up to monitors and the IV. My mom and dad were the first to show up to the birthing room and I hugged my mom in excitement and anticipation for the miracle that was about to come into our lives. We all held hands as my dad prayed and at the end of the prayer, I was hit with one of the last hard contractions that I would feel before the anesthesiologist came in to give me my magnificent epidural. Josh asked me if I was scared about the pain of the epidural and I said, "If it feels like a bee sting like everyone says, then that's nothing compared to what I've felt in the last three days, so, no, I am not scared!" I must have been really ready for it and psyching myself out, because I asked the anesthesiologist, "Are my legs supposed to be numb already? I can't feel my toes," and he responded that he hadn't even inserted the epidural yet. That was my dumb blonde moment of the night.

Once the numbness took over my lower body, everything was smooth sailing. My mom and dad, Josh's mom, Brenda, and step dad, Marvin, and Kristin joined us while we waited. Many interesting things happened from 7cm to 10cm and I don't mean with my labor. At one point, my mom stole a wheelchair because there weren't enough chairs in the room for everyone. In an hour, I had progressed from 7cm to 9cm and was stuck at a nine for a while. When that happened, my mom said she would go grab a bag of pitocin herself and get things rolling without the nurse's help. At about 12:30am on June 3rd, I started getting tired and wanted to try to sleep, so we had the nurse ask everyone to step out for a little bit. I couldn't really sleep very well with my numb, dead legs, but apparently while Mom, Brenda and Kristin were out in the waiting room, they met up with some crazy lady that they just couldn't shake and just kept talking to them. We asked everyone to come back in and after a while, we started chatting and laughing about different things. I think everyone was feeling lethargic from the lack of sleep and giddyness from all the anticipation. At one point, while I had been turned on my side to help move the epidural, my mom said to me, "Well, I haven't put that much pressure on you, have I?" and I responded quickly with, "I BEG TO DIFFER!" My mom had me walking, bouncing on a ball and doing everything I could to get Gracie to come early the day it turned May 1st.

For hours, we all had watched the monitor like it was a thunderstorm forecast. I was glad that I didn't feel any sort of pain, only pressure, when I saw the red spike off the charts each contraction. Around the end, the I started feeling the pressure more and more and would hear reactions from everyone on what a major contraction that had been. I knew it was time to push when I felt a contraction that was so hard, it was pushing my catheter out. I paged for a nurse to come check me and had a feeling that it was the real deal. My midwife, Susan, came in and checked me for the first time since I was admitted and immediately said, "Yep! You are ready to push!" A mess of nurses came in and started prepping and preparing everything. Everyone came and hugged me and wished me luck and I remember my mom was the last hug and the final person to close the door behind them. I remember looking at Josh and seeing fear in his eyes, but he never showed it one time. He would just look at me and simply smile. At 4am, I began pushing. It felt completely natural to do what I felt my body had been built for and felt completely at ease as I pushed. The nurse, midwife and Josh were the best cheerleaders and were so supportive of me. I remember at one point, Susan asked, "Have you done this before? You're doing an incredible job!" I couldn't believe my midwife was making me laugh during delivery. She made me laugh again later in between contractions by saying, "Look at you go, mama, with your smoothly shaven legs!" I looked at Josh in between one of my contractions and asked if he was doing okay and Susan thought that was so sweet that I was concerned for him when I was the one delivering a baby. I responded, "Well, I just don't want him passing out on me! I need him!" After a few pushes, I nearly cried when I heard Susan say, "She's got a full head of dark hair!" Josh finally got brave at some point and looked down and I will never forget the indescribable look on his face. Before we knew it, they were lying me flat on my back for the final few pushes as a nurse and Josh held both of my legs. When I gave that final push at 4:38am and heard Gracie's first little whimper, I couldn't remember our lives before that very moment. As the bed was being reclined, it seemed to happen in super slow motion as the bed came up and I saw this beautiful creature that Josh and I had created together. They put her in my arms and I stared at her for a quiet second before bursting into tears with her. I looked at Josh and he was in complete awe of his daughter, Gracie May. He was in so much shock and awe, Susan had to remind him to take pictures. He snapped five perfect pictures of Gracie's first moments in this world. I watched as they cleaned Gracie off, completely distracted from whatever was going on around me and simply couldn't believe she was ours. Those chubby cheeks we saw in the ultrasound were finally here for us to kiss. She had dark hair like I did when I was a baby. Her lips were just like daddy's. That little nose was mine. But, she was equally ours and our new world to discover and love.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

{40 WEEKS} Happy Due Date!

Well, today is my official due date and Gracie has yet to make her appearance in the world. While I am ready to have her in my arms, I am perfectly happy that she will be a healthy baby and made it the full forty weeks. I just can't believe how fast this month flew by, yet how long each day felt to get to her due date. Everyone made their predictions; the earliest prediction was May 12th and one has hoped that I would have her on June 12th. I am almost certain that she will be a June baby since there's only one day left in May, but she could have her own agenda and all we can do is wait and see.

The anticipations rises in the house with each passing day. With every contraction and moan follows the question from Josh, "Is this it? Is it time?" We've went through two false alarms at the birthing center, wondering if my water broke or not. Josh was so incredible and calm during our first false alarm at the birthing center. When I begin to get scared about labor and delivery, I feel completely at ease as soon as I remind myself that Josh will be at my side the entire time, casting his calm completely over me and sending me all of his strength and love.

Right now, I can only dream of what it's going to be like when she's here with us. I keep wondering what features she will get from Josh and I. Will she have his blonde hair, my dark hair or be a baldy baby? Are her lips going to be big and red like her dad's? Will her eyes stay blue like mine or turn hazel like his? I hope her little smile looks like his. I just can't wait to see him fall completely in love with her.

In these last few months of my pregnancy, I have felt more sure of myself and this change in our lives than any point in our lives before this. I want to be a better person and the best mother that I can be for Gracie. There have been emotional struggles during my pregnancy, but I have pushed them to the side for the ultimate happiness that I'll feel when Gracie is finally here with us.

How far along? 40 WEEKS!
Total weight gain: 15 pounds! Go me!
Maternity clothes? Yup, but I've been reminding myself when I shop that I won't be pregnant much longer and everything will fit better soon!
Stretch marks? Always.
Sleep: Sleep is great, minus waking up in the middle of the night to go pee!
Best moment this week: Spending time with my friends and family and waiting for Gracie to get here!
Miss Anything? Nothing in particular!
Movement: Her movements have turned into little nudges here lately with her due date being so close.
Food cravings: S'mores and Hackett's still!.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, I thought my water broke but I was wrong
Symptoms: Leg pain and swollen ankles and feet
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy!
Looking forward to: When Gracie finally arrives! :)